Just Announced, We will be adding an additonal membership orientation for 2025!
Due to a higher than usual number of people on our waiting list and some unexpected openings in our roster we will be holding an additonal membership orientation in late March or early April 2025. Because this is about half way through our annual membership the membership dues for the balance of 2025 will be $75. The $125 one time orientation will remain the same. If you wish to be added to our remaining opening please follow the instructions as shown below.
DRPC has developed into one of the finest Gun Clubs in our area and many gun owners would like to be a part of it. Because we have a limited membership it is to your benefit to get on the waiting list early. New members are accepted each year in October. Each year we recieve applications in excess of our openings. New applicants are accepted in order of their application being received so getting on the waiting list early will give you the best chance of being accpepted.
Annual dues are $125. There is also a one time orientation fee of $125. This is only your first year. All New Members are required to attend an orientation and pass a minimum firearms skill and shooting qualifier to become a member.
You can get all of the information about the
Minimum Firearms Skill Requirements at the link below.
Once we receive your application we will be accepting new members in the order they are received. If you're interested in becoming a member of the Danville Rifle and Pistol Club please do the following.
1. Open the digital application below.
2. Fill in the form completely
3. Save the file to your computer
4. E-mail the document to drpcsecretary@gmail.com
You may also print it and mail a copy to:
Danville Rifle and Pistol Club
PO Box 55
Oakwood, IL 61858
5. We will e-mail a confirmation of receipt to you when we receive it either through the mail or e-mail.
You do not need to send any money at this time. We will be accepting new applicants in early October 2023. At that time we will be contacting you by E-mail to see if you still wish to join and discuss the procedure with you at that time.
If you have any questions contact: drpcsecretary@gmail.com